You matched all cards!
You $!
Your wallet is now worth
You went bust!
You don't have enough money to make another bet!
The goal of Memory Casino Game is to find the matching pairs in the dealt cards.
Based on the game difficulty that you choose, 10, 16, or 22 cards will be placed
face-down on the table.
By using two decks of cards, each card will have an exact
match placed somewhere on the table. Bet a dollar amount per turn to turn two
cards of your choosing. If those two cards match, the cards will remain face-up.
If the two cards don't match, both cards will be turned back over. Once you have
found all pairs, the game will end.
For each pair that you match, you will win a
bonus. The amount won per matched pair are calculated based on the game difficulty
and the type of card matched. The higher the difficulty the higher the bonuses.
Also, within each game type, the Ace of Spades pair has the highest bonus, followed
by the rest of the Aces, followed by the face cards, and finally, followed by the
number cards, which recieve the lowest bonus. If you run out of money during a game,
you bust and the game is over!
Memory Casino Game was created by Daniel Tressel. This is one of the first exercises that he had to do for the Springboard software Engineering Bootcamp that he's currently taking part in. This exercise is supposed to be a simple memory matching game with basic functionality, but he decided to add some spice and turn it into a casino game. Daniel wanted to challenge himself and see how much he can do in the alotted time for this exercise. He went a bit overboard, but, nonetheless, he hopes that you enjoy the game. In addition to being a software egineer, Daniel is a professional classical cellist and composer. He's kept busy by his two-year old daughter and plays chess competetively for fun.
Wallet: $